A. 雄黄酒用英语怎么说
realgar wine
或 red orpiment wine或ruby sulfur wine这种酒是含有硫成分的蛇最怕了,还记得白蛇传里的那条白蛇吗,喝了会现出原形的!
B. 饮雄黄酒用英语咋说
drink realgar wine
C. 古代的人们认为,所有这些活动,连同喝雄黄酒,都能有效防病驱邪,促进生活安康。英语翻译,不要网上的
All of these activities, together with the drinking of realgar wine, were regarded by the ancients as effective in preventing disease and evil, and promoting health and well-being.
Ancient people believed that all of these activities, along with drinking realgar wine, can effectively prevent disease and evil, and promote health and well-being.
D. 喝雄黄酒用英语怎么说
Realgar wine
E. 雄黄酒英文翻译
realgar wine 或 red orpiment wine或ruby sulfur wine
F. 端午节里流传最广的三种活动是吃粽子,喝雄黄酒以及赛龙舟。英语翻译,不要网上的
The three most popular activities in the Dragon Boat Festival are eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine and racing dragon boats.
G. 用英语翻译认为辰属龙,辰时正是群龙行雨之时,在端午节早晨摆雄黄酒宴,是百
Chen believes that the dragon, it is Chen Shi Qun line of rain, put the male Yellow Wine feast in the Dragon Boat Festival in the morning, people。