❶ 请问这两瓶红酒现在能值多少钱啊。
国产的嘛 不值钱的。你可以去看看SOD贵仕红酒,那才叫好喝
❷ 这个法国红酒值多少钱
你如果不相信可以上网找一下法国1855葡萄酒分级制度,这瓶葡萄酒属于AOC级别内最低级的容大区级,而且是酒商酒。 AOC是 Appellation d'Origine Controlee 的简写,在酒标上显示的是全名Appellation+Origine(产区名)+Controlee,重要是看中间的产地...
❸ 这个红酒的价格是多少
❹ 1981年原装进口法国红酒值多少钱
❺ 法国红酒蒙索金价钱是多少
❻ 朋友送了一瓶法国红酒。想问问值个多少钱。好给朋友回个礼~
Château Moulin Bourdieu 2005 酒名称
£9.99 GBP 在英国的价格:大概10英镑(国内还未见到)
Colour: Red 颜色为红色
Origin: France - Bordeaux - Médoc - Medoc AOC 来自法国波尔多梅多克
Alc % by Vol: 13% 酒精度
• Serve at 17° 摄氏17度饮用
Description 描述:
The Moulin Bourdieu ownership is situated in the Bégadan commune and is run by Marie-Louise Grenier. Covering an area of 5.56 hectares, the vineyard is made up of 50% Merlot and 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, vines which are around 25 years old. Planted on a chalky and clayey ground, the estate's vines benefit from the exceptional Médoc terroir. The Moulin Bourdieu wines have all the natural characteristics of the terroir and grape types, and the vinification and ageing are carried out according to traditional methods.
By Jean Michel Deluc : Master Sommelier
Eye - A beautifully intense ruby coloured wine. Bright, deep and opaque in its density, it offers a medium visual concentration.
Nose - On the nose, the wine starts off very fine but develops a subtle frame which intensifies on aeration. We loved its lightly toasted, spicy, chocolatey aromas which envelope those of violets, blackcurrants, cherries, plums and liquorice. A delicious, sective wine which begins to reveal a little more power after a few moments.
Palate - On the palate, the wine is beautifully balanced with a smooth, full-bodied attack brought on by superb fruity flavours. The wine then closes up towards the middle of the palate onto a finer, fresher structure with crisp, closed tannins. In a few months it shoud reach a beautiful harmony.
❼ 朋友送了瓶红酒,也是别人送给他的,他也不懂!求解,能值多少钱呢
❽ 2002吉伦特干红葡萄酒多少钱