⑴ 1952年的红酒好吗
⑵ 标准红酒瓶 瓶体直径是多少最大直径是多少高度一般是多少
容量:750ml wine bottle:
瓶口外直径:29mm; 瓶口内直径:20mm
容量:500ml wine bottle:
瓶口外直径:29mm; 瓶口内直径:20mm
因为勃艮第地区最早使用此瓶形所以被成为勃 第瓶。这种瓶子底比较浅,所以不适合装陈年后易沉淀的酒,比如深色的红葡萄酒,而是适合装白葡萄酒或者颜色偏浅的黑皮诺(Pinot Noir)
长笛形瓶(German Flute)
又称为莱茵瓶,瓶身高而窄,来自德国莱茵河谷(Rhine Valley)产区使用的的棕色瓶,来自摩泽尔-萨尔-鲁维(Mosel-saar-Ruwer)产区多用绿色瓶。
起泡酒瓶(Sparkling Bottle)
波特瓶(port Bottle)
⑶ (意大利|法国|智利)红酒深圳进口报关代理公司操作流程是怎么样的
在中国,红酒、葡萄酒等进口酒的进口程序和市场管理规定较为复杂,一般建议最好委托在中国的已有进口酒类经营资格和已有进出口经营权的企业代办或合作。 In China, imported red wine, wine proceres and market management regulations are relatively complex, generally recommend commission/entrusted or cooperation with the enterprise which has the qualification/ right of import and export.
一、酒的进口程序:One, Wine import proceres:
成本核算:Cost accounting:
进口瓶装酒现行税率: The current tax rate of imported bottled wine:
关税: 14% ( 关税:CIF ×14%);
Duties: 14% (tariff: CIF x 14%);
增值税:17% (增殖税:(CIF+关税额)×17%);
VAT: 17% (Proliferous tax: (CIF + tariff forehead) x 17%);
消费税:10% (消费税:[(CIF +关税额)/ (1~ 10%)]× 10%)。
Consumption tax: 10% (consumption tax: [(CIF + tariff forehead) / (1 ~ 10%)] x 10%).
所征收的税项,以人民币交纳。Levied taxes paid CNY.
其它进口费用:Other charges:
Total cost of imported goods should be: the total sum of following six items.
First, CNY price cost = foreign exchange x CNY exchange rate
Second, freight + insurance premium (according to different countries and regions transportation charge)
Three, tariffs, value added tax (according to customs and state tax rate)
Four, handle imported approval and Chinese label fees (not all goods)
Six, bank settlement fee
清关前资料准备:Clearance documents prepare:
提交办理中文标签的资料:Submit Chinese label information:
进口酒经营企业根据中国《食品标签通用标准》和有关规定准备下列申报文件后,到当地商品检验检疫局领取表格后申办:Imported wine business enterprise according to “China's food label universal standards” and relevant regulations of the following documents, go to local commodity inspection and quarantine bureau , fill the application form:
1、标签检验监管备案表(申请书); 1, the record table of inspection and administration label (application);
2、原外文标签样图片(前和后的标签资料)。2, the original sample foreign labels (tags pictures);
3、原外文标签翻译件(前和后的标签资料);3, foreign labels translation (the front and back tag);
4、中文商标设计样张(前和后的标签资料);4, Chinese trademark design (the front and back tag);
5、酒的原产地证明;5, the certificate of origin;
6、中国经销商营业执照、电话号码;6, China company business license, telephone number;
7、外国生产商公司名称;7, foreign manufacturers company name;
8、酒的样品(一般各3瓶,有时按需要会多抽几瓶);8, wine samples (general each three bottles, sometimes need more according the requirement);
9、国家商检局办证部门需要的其他资料。9, other documents require by national commodity inspection bureau.
以上资料齐备后,当货物报关完毕后,与当地商检局上报审核备案或者在到货前到商检局认定机构做中文标签预备案。Above information are ready for apply to customs, should have a report for record in local commodity inspection bureau or have a Chinese marking record in certifying body of commodity inspection bureau before arrival of the goods.
关于酒的中文命名说明:the explaination of wine’s chinese name:
葡萄酒的中文名称不得相同。而如果申报的中文名称已有重复的,需要另外起名。The wine’s chinese name can’t be the same. When the name declared is the same, Must change to another name
进口酒的中文名称的确定 :Chinese name for imported wine
1、 以葡萄品种名或厂商名命名的,以该葡萄或厂商的中文名命名;
1, The name can be the same as the variety of grape or manufacture name
2. 以产地命名的,以其中文译名命名;
2, The name can be the same as the Chinese name of original places
3, The name can be the same as transliteration Chinese name of the brand in order to makes them pronunciation corresponding.
办理中国国内进口酒经营牌照:Business licenses of imported wine:
中国企业要从事进口葡萄酒业务除了一般经营性企业所必需的工商、税务等手续外,在注册的营业范围内还应包括酒类经营资格,即具备进口酒类经营许可证和卫生 许可证。此外,还需要到相关部门办理下列手续:The Chinese companies which engaged in import wine business in addition to have instry and commerce, taxation procere, also should have imported wine business licenses and hygiene license. In addition, still need go to relevant departments to transact following proceres:
如不具备以上条件的企业,建议可委托有相关进口酒经营资质的专业代理公司代办进口手续,可省去不少麻烦。If do not have the above conditions, the enterprise can authorize to qualified imported wine agency to transact import formalities
进口葡萄酒到岸报关清关的程序:Customs clearance proceres of imported wine:
进口酒类的程序比较烦琐。The procere of imported wine is more troublesome.
主要流程:货物到港->报检->报关->缴税->海关查货->放行->检验检疫局抽样或送样->检测样品及审 核中文标签->签发卫生证书(取得此卫生证书后方可在国内市场销售该批货物)。(*注意:某些经济特区或口岸要求货物到港后先完成商检及备案中文标 签后,然后才可报关)。(* note: some special economic zones or port require that goods needs to do commodity inspection and have Chinese label in record before apply to customs).
进口单位应提供进口酒类输出国(地区)产地卫生证明。 进口酒类(不包括免税进口酒类)应根据我国《食品标签通用标准》和有关规定加贴中文标签。口岸进口食品卫生、质量监督检验机构对监督检验合格的加贴“进口 食品卫生监督检验标志”,签发卫生证书(正本、副本)。监督检验不合格的不准进口。 海关凭对外贸易经济主管部门签发的进口货物许可证(如需要)和口岸进口食品卫生监督检验机构签发的放行 通知单并征税后验放。 1, 代理合同、销售合同、发票、装箱单各一式三份。
1, Agency contract, sales contract, invoices and packing list in triplicates each.
2, 中文标签及原标签电子版,原标签翻译件。(或中文标签预备案证明书);
2, Chinese label and the electronic edition of original label, the translation file of original label (or the certificate of preparation file for Chinese label);
3, 出口国官方卫生证(或者自由销售证明或者健康证)、产地证、厂家成分分析说明。出口国的承诺书,授权书等。
3, The official health certificate of export country (or free sales certificate or health certificate), certificate of origin, structure of manufacturers, Letter of commitment and authorization of origin country etc.
4, 熏蒸证、无木质包装声明;
4, fumigation certificate, statement shows that there is no wood in packing;
5, 海运/空运提单。
5, bill of lading for sea/air transportation.
6, 其他各口岸管理机构要求提供的单证。
6, Documents required by other port management institutions.
进口到岸手续是先报检后报关,然后再商检。假如商检关未过,货物是不准入关,要被退回。 When the goods arrive in the port, declaration inspection first, then apply to customs, commodity inspection at last. The goofs will be returned if the goods can’t pass commodity inspection.
Commodity inspector need to check declared goods in surveillance zone as below: if packing meets the standards and Chinese registered trademark is complete. Additionally, review the documents of the goods, included health immune certificate, origin of certificate, quality certificate, etc issued by export country. If the packing material is made of wooden, still must review "fumigation certificate” issued exporter.
商检要对货物进行抽检。一般是按货物总数的千分之一进行抽检。检验是否符合国家进口食品卫生标准,另外剩余的抽检样品备存。假如商检发现货物质量不符合国 内标准,货物是不准在国内市场进行销售,要被退回或进行销毁处理。Commodity Inspector need do spot-check and the quantity usually is a thousandth of the goods. Check the goods whether meets imported food sanitation standard, and keep the rest of the random samples. If the commodity inspector found the goods do not conform to the national standard, the goods won’t allow to sell in domestic market sales and will be returned or destroyed.
商检还要对产品进行质量检测及中文标签审核等内容,包装质量是否符合标准,生产日期是否严格按照国内标准显示,营养成分或配料是否标注正确,中文标签是否 符合标准。另外还要对货物文件进行审核,包括出口国出具的卫生证、产地证、成分分析证明等,对于木质材料包装的,还必须审核出口国出具的“熏蒸证明”,假 如中文标签不合格,或中文标签内容与实物成分等内容不符也要被退回或进行销毁处理。在商检检验完毕后,进行海关申报纳税。程序和其他进口货物一样。要注意 的主要是海关审价人员对所申报进口葡萄酒到岸价的真实性的审查。这一点必须要有准备一些说服资料,以免海关不信任并且由海关定价(当然会比原申报价高很 多),造成成本增加。After commodity inspection, then can declare and paid to the customs. Proceres are the same as other imported goods. The price auditor will check the authenticity of CIF price of imported wine. So must prepare some persuasive materials avoid customs distrust and pricing it by themselves (of course it will be much higher than declaration price), and it will increase the costs.
⑷ 这是什么酒多少钱
hateau Le Faure, Bordeaux (12 bottles)
产品编号 210052
年份来 2009
容量(ml) 750ml
国家 法国
产区自 Bordeaux
葡萄品种 Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon
试饮分享 The wine is a ruby color, black fruit flavor, soft tannins and fresh. It is a suitable for the gathering to enjoy the Bordeaux wine with dishes as fried fish, steak and cheese. 酒色呈红宝石色,黑果香味出众;单宁柔顺;口感清和,是一款适合大众聚会享用的波 尔多红酒搭配菜肴:禽肉类、煎炸鱼类、牛排以及奶酪。
价钱(HKD$) HKD$1,140.00
特价(HKD$) HKD$828.00 [箱头优惠价: 2 Cases箱of 24 bottles支or above或以上: HK$780 / case箱]
⑸ 从美国带什么回国比较好
⑹ 红酒包装estate bottle 是什么瓶
1 号瓶:
容量:750ml wine bottle:
瓶口外直径:29mm; 瓶口内直径:20mm
2 号瓶:权
容量:500ml wine bottle:
瓶口外直径:29mm; 瓶口内直径:20mm
3 号瓶:
容量:375ml wine bottle:
瓶口外直径:29mm; 瓶口内直径:20mm
50%梅洛 20%品丽珠 30%赤霞珠
土壤类型 :砾石和石灰岩-粘土
产量 :110000 瓶
包装 :传统波尔多风格厚壁瓶包装,6或12瓶装一个纸板箱。
品酒小札:法国干红-Domaine Cheval-Blanc SIGNE产自葡萄酒最优良的地区,有着吸引人的亮丽包装,闪耀着红宝石般的光芒。闻起来带着一丝成熟的梅洛葡萄的怡人气味。融入了红莓口味,口感极好,酒性温和不刺激。
Grape varieties :
50% Merlot 20% Cabernet-Franc 30% Cabernet Sauvignon
Average age of vine : 35 years
Soil type : gravel and limestone-clay
Proction : 110 000 bottles
Vinification :Thermovinification technology. De-stemming, alcoholic fermentation for 2 weeks with pumping over.
Packaging : Heavy bottles Traditional Bordeaux Style Cardboard boxes of 6 or 12 bottles.
Tasting comments : Coming from the best area of the estate, Domaine Cheval-Blanc SIGNE has attractive bright robe with ruby glints. It has elegance on the nose with hints ripe Merlot fruit. Good complexity on the palate with red berry flavours, well structured without being aggressive
⑻ 如何用英文推销葡萄酒
1 When will this wine be at its peak?
1 保存多久的葡萄酒状态最佳?
First, remember that most wines are made to drink when they are released. In terms of fine, ageable wines, there are all sorts of online sources that will give you a ballpark idea of theoretical peak readiness. But every bottle is different and there are many variables, such as storage conditions and personal taste. Open a special bottle when the moment seems right to you. If you have an old bottle like those old Lafites, make a special meal, open the bottles and celebrate the memories. If you simply can't stand to do that alone, remember that Open That Bottle Night is the last Saturday of February. That's when you can join others like you, world-wide, in opening their special bottles.
首先要记住一点,葡萄酒生产出来就是为了喝的。针对那些可以长时间存放的精品葡萄酒,网上有各种资源会给你一个理论上的最佳存放时间;但每一瓶酒都是不同的,存放状态不一样,每个人的口味偏好也不一样。当你觉得某个时刻值得庆祝时,就打开一瓶特殊的葡萄酒吧。如果你有一瓶拉菲这样的陈年葡萄酒,那不妨准备一顿丰盛的美食,开瓶庆祝一下美好的回忆。如果你不愿一个人独享,那就记住每年的“开瓶夜”(Open That Bottle Night)是二月份的最后一个星期六。在这一天,你可以和全世界的葡萄酒爱好者一起,打开你们珍藏的那瓶陈年葡萄酒。
2. What's the best glass?
2. 什么杯子喝葡萄酒最合适?
We prefer a large glass - around 20 to 22 ounces is good - because it feels generous in our hands and we can swirl around the small amount we pour into it. Look for clear, thin glass; a long stem; and a slight curve inward at the top. We prefer inexpensive glasses so we don't worry about breaking them. Over the years, we have found good glasses at a wide variety of stores, including Pier 1 and Costco (though we haven't seen our favorites at either place recently). Vino Grande Burgundy from Spiegelau, which is owned by Riedel, is our everyday glass.
我们喜欢大一点的葡萄酒杯,重量在20到22盎司比较适宜,因为那样手感很好,能来回旋转杯中倒入的少量葡萄酒。要找那种透明度高、杯壁薄、杯脚长、杯口微微收拢的杯子,价格不要太贵,免得打碎了心疼。这些年来,我们在很多商店都发现不少好杯子,比如Pier 1和Costco连锁超市等(但这两个地方最近都买不到我们最青睐的那些酒杯)。奥地利力多公司(Riedel)旗下的德国诗杯客乐(Spiegelau)出品的勃艮蒂杯(Vino Grande Burgundy)是我们品酒的日常用具。
3. What wines should I serve at a party (or to any large gathering)?
3. 开派对(或任何大型聚会)时应该选什么葡萄酒?
For a white, Chilean or New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is a winner. For a red, we used to recommend one of the cru Beaujolais (such as Fleurie) and we still like that advice, but Argentina's Malbec is so popular right now and so widely enjoyed that we'd recommend that instead. If you are looking for an affordable bubbly for a group, it's hard to go wrong with Cava from Spain.
如果选白葡萄酒,智利或新西兰的长相思最好。如果选红葡萄酒,我们以前推荐过薄若来列级(cru Beaujolais,薄若来的最高级法定产区),比如弗俐叶(Fleurie)红酒,如今也没有改变观点;但阿根廷的马尔白克现在非常热门,很多人都爱喝,因此我们改为推荐这个品种。如果你想找一款物美价廉的气泡酒,那么选择西班牙的卡瓦酒(Cava)应该没错。
4. Why does wine give me headaches; sulfites, right?
4. 为什么我喝葡萄酒后会头疼,是因为葡萄酒中含有亚硫酸盐吗?
Wrong. Sulfites cause very severe allergic reactions in a small number of people, even death in extreme cases, which is why there's a warning on the bottle, but sulfites don't cause headaches. Wine headaches are a serious issue, but the causes are highly personal. Some people get headaches only from red wine and some get them just from, say, German wine. It has to do with histamines and all sorts of other complex science. It really is best to talk with your doctor about this.
⑼ 联康(上海)葡萄酒有限公司怎么样
Lian Kang (Shanghai) Wine Co., Ltd (hereinafter to be referred as LK Wine), is a newly established brand operator for imported wine. LK Wine is a limited company invested by suppliers,distributors,exclusive store investors, fund companies,and senior managers. LK Wine is located and registered in Changning District in Shanghai, with 1300 square meters. Generally speaking, it will sell the brand wine of top 20 wine groups from top 10 wine procing countries such as France, Chile and Spain, etc. The goal of LK Wine is to become one of the top 10 wine brand operators and the largest wine chain shop group for selling imported wine in China.
Business model: In terms of managing model in Chinese wine market, it is quite often to see "Franchised and distributing" mode for selling imported wine. In this fashion, it could not offer a unified price and standardized service. In light of the business environment, LK Wine would adopt “distributing and direct-sale” system. By using the stock right as the key element to integrate the resources from suppliers, distributors, consumers, enterprise groups, fund companies and media to build up a nationwide exclusive store brand and a proct brand. With the “brand service marketing” as the axis, LK Wine could found a solid market basis. By increasing suppliers’attachment, standardizing the internal management and customer service, unifing the price, strengthening the control of supermarkets, wine shops, hotels, group clients and other canals, LK Wine is able to minimize the market impact and risk to maximize the profit, and to build up a “plicable"and “sustainable” business model. As the enterprise moves into mature period, we can consolidate the reputation of chain store brand. By winning the recognition and support of the consumers,we will develop in a steady fashion and amplify the brand reputation in the wine market, in order to aim at the capital market and achieve the asset-securitizition for all the stockholders.
Introtion of the Founder, Mr.Yang Wenhua:
Mr. Yang, who holds 40% of shareholder's rights of C&D Wine, was promoted to Vice Chairman of Xia Men C&D Wine (hereinafter to be referred as C&D Wine)in 2014. Mr.Yang served as General Manager of C&D Wine from 1998 to 2013. He had been managing C&D Wine to become the largest wine importer for four consecutive years in China, with a total sales of almost 50 million bottles of imported wine, within which 60% of them are French wine. In June 2013,he was ranked as the 12th most influential people by《Decanter》, the most distinguished wine magazine on a global basis. In May 2013,he was awarded "Mérite Agricole" by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of France.In 2012, he was selected as the president of China Chamber of Liquor of China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Proce.Currently, he also served as consultant for Wuliangye (Chinese spirit) distributors’advisory group, and consultant for Fujian Wine Culture Association.
英文名:LK (Shanghai) Wine Co.Ltd.