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发布时间:2021-01-19 05:51:10

『壹』 法国葡萄酒文化(英文版)

Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols.

There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher.

Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world's best and most famous wine procing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can proce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 proction wine regions, wine proction over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.

『贰』 法国以它的葡萄酒而闻名英语

4. famous for

『叁』 法国葡萄酒的介绍


『肆』 法国各大知名红酒的英文简写比如拉菲的英文简写


第一级 拉菲酒庄Chateau Lafite Rothschild
第一级 玛歌酒庄Chateau Margaux
第一级 拉图酒庄Chateau Latour
第一级 奥比内昂酒容庄(红颜容) Chateau Haut-Brion
第一级 木桐酒庄(又译武当王) Chateau Mouton Rothschild

『伍』 用最简单的英文介绍法国红酒,不超过50字

Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor.

『陆』 用英语介绍一下法国葡萄酒.谢!!!


葡萄酒有许多分类方式。以成品颜色来说,可分为红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒及粉红葡萄酒三类。其中红葡萄酒又可细分为干红葡萄酒、半干红葡萄酒、半甜红葡萄酒和甜红葡萄酒。白葡萄酒则细分为干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。以酿造方式来说,可以分为蒸馏葡萄酒(Still wine)、气泡葡萄酒(Sparkling wine)、加烈葡萄酒(Fortified wine)和加味葡萄酒(Aromatized wine)四类。其中一般葡萄酒的酒精含量约为百分之八到十五,然而加烈葡萄酒的酒精含量可能会更高。


Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols.

There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher.

Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world's best and most famous wine procing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can proce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 proction wine regions, wine proction over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.

『柒』 关于法国红酒的最全面介绍,谢谢!


A.O.C. Wine是指定优良产区酒为名之葡萄酒的通称,这种酒对于原产地(地区、村、葡萄园等)有很详细的限定,日本进口的葡萄酒大多为此种酒。其标示方式如APPELLATION ROMANEE CONTI CONTROLEE,于APPELLATION与CONTROLEE之间的ROMANEE CONTI则是酒园名称。
Vin De Pays(地区餐酒)是仅限定葡萄产地的葡萄酒,其限制较A.O.C.所规定的少,价格也比较合理,找找看,也许能够找到品质相当不错的酒喔!
Vin De Table(日常餐酒)则是不受规定约束的酒,任何产区的葡萄都可以拿来混合酿造。藉由混合酿造来就低成本是这种酒的特征,美味与否全凭生产者的巧手,无等级之分。
A. 除梗:所谓除梗,是指为了避免葡萄酒中有多余的苦涩味道,而将梗从果实上除去。
B. 破碎:将果皮搓破轻轻压碎,称之为破碎。
C. 发酵:在破碎的葡萄(连同果皮及种子)中加入酵母菌。因红酒的颜色来自果皮,而涩味则是种子所释放出来的味道。
D. 榨汁:以榨汁机榨出发酵后的葡萄酒。
E. 发酵:将榨出的葡萄酒与果皮、种子分开,接着仅使葡萄酒在发酵。本阶段是决定葡萄酒味道的关键,完全发酵熟成者即为不甜口口味的葡萄酒。
F. 除渣:发酵完之后,溶解残存的物质会自动沉淀,可顺利地被除去,此一过程称之为除渣。
G. 熟成:接着装入酒桶使之能够充分熟成,熟成期间约为两年(但亦有熟成未满两年者)。
H. 装瓶:熟成后即可装瓶。
1. 观其色泽--将酒道在高脚杯中,握着杯脚,看其色泽。
2. 闻其香味--轻摇酒杯让香气释放出来,闻其散发的香味。
3. 品尝--啜饮一小口,让酒在舌尖溶动,感觉其味道及酸甜度。
在众多的红酒中独钟法国红酒原因是∶法国不但是全世界酿造最多种葡萄酒的国家,也是生产了无数闻名于世的高级葡萄酒的国家,其口味种类极富变化,故其被美誉为『葡萄王国』,法国生产的红酒有六大生产地包括∶波尔多(Bordeaux)、布跟地(Burgundy)、香槟(Champagne)以及阿尔萨斯(Alsace)、罗瓦河河谷(Loire Valley) 、隆河谷地(Cotes Phone)等其中又以气候温和土壤富含铁质的波尔多产地最具代表。
法国波尔多市外围又细分几个产区全都分布于纪隆德河(Estuaire de la Gironde)流域,不但产量大且生产许多品质优良的红酒,被喻为『世界的葡萄酒宝库』,其中有最出名的五大产区不可不知,这些产区约有九千多家酒庄,其中又以最有名的五大酒庄闻名于世。
产区介绍(根据 1855 年上好波尔多葡萄酒分等系统)
梅铎 (Médoc) 32,110英亩 (只生产红酒)
庞马鲁 (Pomerol) 1,803英亩 (只生产红酒)
圣达美莉安 (St-émilion) 12,676英亩 (只生产红酒)
格拉夫 (Graves) 5,992英亩 (生产红酒和不甜白酒)
苏玳 (Sauternes) 3,499英亩 (只生产甜白酒)
Chateau Margaux (位于梅铎区)
Chateau Latour (位于梅铎区)
Chateau Mouton-Rothschild (位于梅铎产区)
Chateau Lafite-Rothschild (位于梅铎产区)
Chateau Haut-Brion (位于格拉夫产区)

『捌』 跪求一篇 法国葡萄酒文化旅游的文章 中英文都要


『玖』 法国红酒等级划分及英文缩写

AOC (原产地控制命名)
酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Controlee
酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Qualite Superieure。
酒瓶标签标示为 Vin de Pays+ 产区名
酒瓶标签标示为 Vin deTable

法定产区葡萄酒,级别简称 AOC,是法国葡萄酒最高级别
——酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Controlee

优良地区餐酒,级别简称 VDQS
——酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Qualite Superieure。

地区餐酒 VIN DE PAYS (英文意思Wine of Country)
——酒瓶标签标示为 Vin de Pays + 产区名

日常餐酒 VIN DE TABLE (英文意思 Wine of the table)
——酒瓶标签标示为 Vin de Table




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