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发布时间:2021-01-21 14:11:23

① 英语翻译法国红酒

French wine

② 法国红酒等级划分及英文缩写

AOC (原产地控制命名)
酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Controlee
酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Qualite Superieure。
酒瓶标签标示为 Vin de Pays+ 产区名
酒瓶标签标示为 Vin deTable

法定产区葡萄酒,级别简称 AOC,是法国葡萄酒最高级别
——酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Controlee

优良地区餐酒,级别简称 VDQS
——酒瓶标签标示为 Appellation+产区名+Qualite Superieure。

地区餐酒 VIN DE PAYS (英文意思Wine of Country)
——酒瓶标签标示为 Vin de Pays + 产区名

日常餐酒 VIN DE TABLE (英文意思 Wine of the table)
——酒瓶标签标示为 Vin de Table


③ 法国原装进口葡萄酒 用英文和法国分别怎么说

英语是 the French original imported wines
法语是 les vins importés originaux français

④ 法国以它的葡萄酒而闻名英语

4. famous for

⑤ 用英语介绍一下法国葡萄酒.谢!!!


葡萄酒有许多分类方式。以成品颜色来说,可分为红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒及粉红葡萄酒三类。其中红葡萄酒又可细分为干红葡萄酒、半干红葡萄酒、半甜红葡萄酒和甜红葡萄酒。白葡萄酒则细分为干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。以酿造方式来说,可以分为蒸馏葡萄酒(Still wine)、气泡葡萄酒(Sparkling wine)、加烈葡萄酒(Fortified wine)和加味葡萄酒(Aromatized wine)四类。其中一般葡萄酒的酒精含量约为百分之八到十五,然而加烈葡萄酒的酒精含量可能会更高。


Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols.

There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher.

Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world's best and most famous wine procing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can proce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 proction wine regions, wine proction over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.

⑥ 法国因盛产葡萄酒而闻名于世界.用英语怎么说

France is well known over the world for its richness in wine.

⑦ 有的时候遇见法国葡萄酒酒标都看不懂上面的词汇,很是郁闷,法国葡萄酒酒标常见词汇呢请帮忙解读一下

AC 或AOC 即Appellation d’Origin Contrôlée:Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée 法国葡萄酒分级中的“法定产区葡萄酒”级别,是法国葡萄酒分级中最严格的一类。该分级系统于1936年正式施行,从葡萄的品种、产量、酿制过程等皆有详细且严格的规定,以保障葡萄酒的质量,当然也因此控制了酒的产量。“Origine”一词在酒标中被该葡萄酒的产地名称所代替,如"Appellation Bordeaux Contrôlée",Bordeaux为一个产酒的地名“波尔多”。所以AOC分级有时也称为AC分级。
Château:法语原意指城堡,在葡萄酒的概念里是指酒庄,在波尔多(Bordeaux) 地区使用广泛。
Côte (或Côtes):法语里指山坡或有斜度的地形。Côtes是Côte的复数。法国葡萄酒界认为有坡度的地形对葡萄生长有利,有一系列的葡萄酒产地名或葡萄酒名含有Côte,Côtes或Coteaux。如:Côte de Brouilly,Côtes Rhone,Coteaux Layon等。
Cru:在葡萄酒领域常与其他词一起使用,如:Cru Bourgeois,Cru Classé,Grand Cru等等,这些组合表示着葡萄园或酒庄的不同级别。
Cru Bourgeois:一大类中级酒庄,见于法国波尔多梅多克(Médoc)整个大区,指分级仅低于第五级酒庄的一类酒庄。这类酒庄的酒的质量波幅较大,有些是价廉物美的好酒。该分级虽然于1932年开始形成,但随着历史的变迁发生了很大的变化,也不断地得到修正。最新2003年修正的分级包括247个酒庄,从高到低呈现三个级别:中级杰出:Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnels (9个;中级优秀:Crus Bourgeois Supérieurs (87个);中级:Crus Bourgeois (151个)。
demi-sec:半干型葡萄酒,比干型葡萄酒含糖量高,更甜一些,相当于英文的semi-dry或medium dry。
Doux :法语指“甜”,在葡萄酒标上表示甜型葡萄酒。
Grand Cru:虽然用在葡萄酒方面表示高级别,但在不同地区的确切用意又不同。在勃艮第(Burgundy)、香槟(Champagne)和阿尔萨斯(Alsace)地区表示使用最高等级的葡萄园出产的葡萄酿的酒。而在波尔多(Bordeaux)地区则泛指一类优质酒庄的葡萄酒。该地区内不同的次产区又有不同的分级系统,特别需要注意的是在圣艾米隆(Saint-Emilion)产区的Grand Cru级酒庄只是属于第三等,低于特优级酒庄(Premier Grand Cru Classé)和优级酒庄(Grand Cru Classé)两个级别,当然,酒价也相差少,需多加注意。
Grand vin:法语意为“伟大的葡萄酒”。常见于波尔多葡萄酒标上,理论上表示该葡萄酒在酒庄中已储藏3年,其中橡木桶中贮存18~24月,装瓶陈化至少1年,其间没有出现问题,经受了考验,所以是好酒。但该名称与AOC分级无关,现实情况也可能与理论有差距,只要比一般波尔多AOC略好一点的酒常常都被标注Grand vin字样。
Mis en bouteille...: 指该葡萄酒在某个地点装瓶。
Premier cru:用在葡萄酒方面,表示较高等级,有”一级酒庄“或”一级产地“的意思,确切意思取决于所在的地区。在波尔多(Bordeaux)的梅多克(Médoc)地区表示最高级别的酒庄。而在勃艮第(Burgundy)地区,Premier Cru指的则是葡萄园的分级,排在特优级葡萄园(Grand Cru)之下。
Propriétaire:法语指业主或所有者,在酒标中常见的形式是:Mis en bouteille par le Propriétaire,意思是指由该酒的业主负责装瓶,但不见得就是在该酒所酿造的地点装瓶。因为一个业主可以拥有不同酒庄酿制的葡萄酒,可能把这些酒集中到一个地方装瓶销售。
Propriétaire -récoltant Récoltant:指自己生产和酿酒的葡萄酒农。
Propriété:法语指财产,即房地产。在酒标中常见的形式是:Mis en bouteille àla propriété,指瓶中的葡萄酒是在酿制该酒的地点装瓶。
Vendange Tardive:主要见于法国阿尔萨斯(Alsace)地区所产酒的酒标上,指由晚摘的葡萄酿制的葡萄酒。酿酒葡萄可为当地4种优质葡萄中的任何一种:雷司令(Riesling),琼瑶浆(Gewürztraminer),麝香(Muscat)和灰比诺(Pinot Gris),而且应该是同年份的葡萄酿制的酒。因葡萄相当成熟后才被采摘,故葡萄的含糖量较高。酿制葡萄酒时不可以加糖,成酒可以是较甜、浓郁的类型,或者是不甜而较高酒精含量的类型。
Vielles vignes:见于一些酒标上,相当于英文”Old vines“的意思,指该酒所用的葡萄产于树龄较老、条件好的葡萄树,树龄常超过60年,有些可达100多年。一般认为树龄越老的树根部伸入土壤就越深,所结葡萄的味道就越浓郁,越能体现该葡萄品种的风格;但树龄越老的树所产葡萄的量也越小,所以酿制出的酒的价格也越高。
Vin de Pays:地区餐酒,法国葡萄酒分类里第三级,此类酒与前两个分级的酒(AOC 和VDQS)的最大差异是产地或区域的概念不那么强烈,因为”地区餐酒“所包括的面积很广,产出的葡萄酒表达不同葡萄品种的能力远胜于对产区特点的表达。葡萄品种的名字也常出现在这级别酒的酒标上,可以说这类酒是品种酒。如果只是想选简单的果味较丰富的品种酒,这类酒是价廉物美的好选择。
Vin de Fance:日常餐酒,法国葡萄酒分级里的最低一级。原则上凡不够资格归为法国酒分级中前三类AOC,VDQS和Vin de Pays的葡萄酒就都归为此类。该类酒无产地、品种及年份的限制,可以是不同品种、产地或年份酒勾兑而成,甚至可能混合其他国家的葡萄酒后出售。


⑧ 法国葡萄酒文化(英文版)

Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols.

There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher.

Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world's best and most famous wine procing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can proce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 proction wine regions, wine proction over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.

⑨ 法国各大知名红酒的英文简写比如拉菲的英文简写


第一级 拉菲酒庄Chateau Lafite Rothschild
第一级 玛歌酒庄Chateau Margaux
第一级 拉图酒庄Chateau Latour
第一级 奥比昂酒庄(红颜容) Chateau Haut-Brion
第一级 木桐酒庄(又译武当王) Chateau Mouton Rothschild



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