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A. 求R開頭的酒名, 英文名字用。


人頭馬路易十三Remy Martin Louis 13

皇家禮炮 Royal Salute

B. 啤酒的英語是什麼

beer 英[bɪə(r)] 美[bɪr]
n. 啤酒,麥酒; (一般) 發酵飲料; [印,紡] 比爾;
[例句]He sat in the kitchen drinking beer
[其他權] 復數:beers

C. 在英語中什麼是r音節

r音節就是「母音字母+r」所構成的音節,一共有五個:ar, er, ir, or, ur。請看它們在重讀音節和非重讀音節中的讀音規則。
1. ar的讀音有三種:
a. ar常發[a:]:arcade, garden, market, park
b. 在/w/後常發[ɔ:]:warm(暖和的)
c. 在非重讀音節中ar發[ə]:dollar
2. er也有三種發音:
a. 在重讀音節中發長母音[ə:]:her, dessert;特例:clerk [a:]。
b. 在非重讀音節中er卻發短母音[ə]:answer, computer, daughter, concert, summer, shower, exercise
3. ir一般都發[ə:]:dirty, first, shirt, thirty
4. or有三種讀音:
a. 在重讀音節中常發[ɔ:]:for, sport, shorts, morning, born; 特例:airport中or是在非重讀音節里,但也發[ɔ:]。
b. 在/w/後or卻發[ə:]:word, work, world
c. 在非重讀音節中發短母音[ə]:color, actor, neighborhood
5. ur的讀音有兩種:
a. 在重讀音節中發[ə:]:Thursday
b.在非重讀音節中發短母音[ə]:Saturday, survey

Mr Robot: 哦,是這樣的,當母音字母後面有兩個r時,我們不能把其中的「母音字母+r」看作-r音節,而只能當作母音字母在重讀閉音節中的發音,因此hurry中的u發[ʌ]。又如:carrot [æ], sorry [ɔ]。

「母音字母組合+r」所構成的音節也屬於-r音節,這一類共有7個:air, ear, eer, eir, oar, oor, our。請看:
1. air 常發/e/:airport, chair, pair
2. ear有三種讀音:
a. ear常發/I/:dear, near b. 也可發/:/:early, learn c. 還可發/e/:bear, wear
3. eer常發/I/:beer (啤酒)
4. eir常發/e/:their
5. oar常發//:board (木板)
6. oor常常發//:floor, door;特例:poor /u/ (貧窮的)
7. our有兩種讀音:
a. our通常發//:four, fourteen, your, yours, yourself b. 有時也可發/au/:our, hour

下面介紹一下-re音節,也就是「母音字母+re」所構成的音節,一共有5個:are, ere, ire, ore, ure。你看:
1. are的發音分三種情況:
a. are通常發/e/:share b. 在個別詞中are發/er/:parent c. 特例:are /a:/
2. ere也有三種發音:
a. ere通常發/e/:there, where b. 在個別詞中ere卻發/I/:here c. ere在個別詞中發/r/:different
3. ire常常發/aI/:tired, fire (火)
4. ore一般只發//:before, store 5. ure的讀音分兩種: a. ure在重讀音節中常發/u/:sure b. 在非重讀音節中卻發短音//:picture, lecture

D. 英語廣告詞

英語廣告詞有很多,這里舉例一些比較有名的:1.Time is what you make of it.天長地久(斯沃奇手錶);2..Fresh-up with Seven-up.提神醒腦,喝七喜;3.Start Ahead 成功之路,從頭開始(飄柔)





E. 節日的英文單詞怎麼寫

一、節日的英文單詞是festival,音標英 [ˈfestɪvl]、美 [ ˈfɛstəvəl]。











n. (名詞)

1、festival的意思是「節日」,多指民俗或宗教節日,用作專有名詞時,其前須加定冠詞; 有時還可指音樂、戲劇、電影等會演性的節日。

2、一般來說,由定語加名詞festival組成的節日,在表示的時候都需加冠定詞,如the Spring Festival(春節)。



n. (名詞)

festival, day, holiday, leave, vacation

這五個詞都有「假日」的意思。其區別在於:holiday來源於宗教的節日、假日,是普通用詞,多用於英式英語中,指的是一個人在一年中不幹工作的那段時間,也可用來表示一兩天的短假期; day表示法定節日,多用於專有名詞中;

festival指民俗或宗教節日,並含有定期歡度的意味; leave指政府工作人員或軍人的假期; vacation用於大學停課放假長達多周的假日或法院停止開庭時間,在美式英語中,凡是較長時間的休假都可用這個詞。例如:

August and September are the months of the year

ring which most English people take their holidays.


We celebrate National Day every year.我們每年都慶祝國慶節。

Christmas is one of the festivals of the Christian church.


The soldiers will go home on leave once every two years.


Three vacations occur in the course of the year, viz, two weeks at Christmas,

ten days at Easter and the usual two months in summer.



1、annual festival 一年一度的節日

2、great〔important〕 festival 偉大〔重要〕的節日

3、happy〔pleasant, solemn〕 festival 愉快〔歡快,莊重〕的節日

4、high festival 盛大的節日

5、immovable festival 固定日期的節日

F. 啤酒用英語怎麼說


beer讀法 英[bɪə(r)]美[bɪr]



1、專bottled beer 瓶裝啤酒

2、canned beer 罐裝屬啤酒

3、cold beer 冷啤酒

4、dark beer 黑啤酒

5、green beer 生啤酒



1、beer作「啤酒」解時,通常是不可數名詞; 但有時也可用作可數名詞,表示「一杯或一種啤酒」。




1、iced beer 冰鎮啤酒

2、light beer 低度啤酒

3、near beer 淡啤酒

4、strong beer 濃啤酒

5、rice beer 米酒

G. be_r(是英文單詞)


H. 德國穆尼黑啤酒節的介紹(有英文的最好了)


The Oktoberfest is a sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany ring late September (and running to early October). It is one of the most famous events in the city and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year, and is an enjoyable event with an important part of Bavarian culture. Other cities across the world also hold Oktoberfest celebrations, modeled after the Munich event.

Oktoberfestbiers are the beers that have been served at the event in Munich since 1818, and are supplied by 6 breweries known as the Big Six: Spaten, Löwenbräu, Augustiner, Hofbräu, Paulaner and Hacker-Pschorr.[1] Traditionally Oktoberfestbiers were the lagers of around 5.5 to 6% abv called Märzen - brewed in March and allowed to ferment slowly ring the summer months.[2] Originally these would have been dark lagers, but from 1872 a strong March brewed version of an amber-red Vienna lager made by Josef Sedlmayr became the favourite Oktoberfestbier.

Since the 1970s the type of beer served at the festival has been a pale lager between 5 and 6% abv, and the terms Oktoberfest and Märzen are used by non-Oktoberfest brewers in Germany and the USA to market pale lagers of this strength.[3] The color of these lagers may range from pale gold to deep amber, with the darker colours more common in the USA. Hop levels tend not to be distinctive, though some American examples may be firmly hopped. Modern beers sold as Oktoberfest and Märzen in Europe tend not to be too differentiated from other pale lagers of this strength, while older German and American influenced examples will be fairly malty in flavour and inclined to use a range of malts, especially dark malts such as Vienna or Munich.[4]

The Munich Oktoberfest, traditionally, takes place ring the sixteen days up to and including the first Sunday in October. In 1990, the schele was modified in response to German reunification so that if the first Sunday in October falls on the 1st or 2nd, then the festival will go on until October 3 (German Unity Day). Thus, the festival is now 17 days when the 1st Sunday is October 2 and 18 days when it is October 1. The festival is held on an area named the Theresienwiese (field, or meadow, of Therese), often called d』 Wiesn for short.

Visitors also eat huge amounts of food, most of it traditional hearty fare such as Hendl (chicken), Schweinsbraten (roast pork), Haxn (knuckle of pork), Steckerlfisch (grilled fish on a stick), Würstel (sausages) along with Brezel (Pretzel)), Knödeln (potato or bread mplings), Käsespätzle (cheese noodles), Reiberdatschi (potato pancakes), Sauerkraut or Blaukraut (red cabbage) along with such Bavarian delicacies as Obatzda (a fatty, spiced cheese-butter concoction) and Weisswurst (a white sausage).

I. 啤酒上有個R的酒是什麼酒




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