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㈠ 法國紅酒等級劃分及英文縮寫

AOC (原產地控制命名)
酒瓶標簽標示為 Appellation+產區名+Controlee
酒瓶標簽標示為 Appellation+產區名+Qualite Superieure。
酒瓶標簽標示為 Vin de Pays+ 產區名
酒瓶標簽標示為 Vin deTable

法定產區葡萄酒,級別簡稱 AOC,是法國葡萄酒最高級別
——酒瓶標簽標示為 Appellation+產區名+Controlee

優良地區餐酒,級別簡稱 VDQS
——酒瓶標簽標示為 Appellation+產區名+Qualite Superieure。

地區餐酒 VIN DE PAYS (英文意思Wine of Country)
——酒瓶標簽標示為 Vin de Pays + 產區名

日常餐酒 VIN DE TABLE (英文意思 Wine of the table)
——酒瓶標簽標示為 Vin de Table


㈡ 用英語介紹一下法國葡萄酒.謝!!!


葡萄酒有許多分類方式。以成品顏色來說,可分為紅葡萄酒、白葡萄酒及粉紅葡萄酒三類。其中紅葡萄酒又可細分為干紅葡萄酒、半干紅葡萄酒、半甜紅葡萄酒和甜紅葡萄酒。白葡萄酒則細分為干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。以釀造方式來說,可以分為蒸餾葡萄酒(Still wine)、氣泡葡萄酒(Sparkling wine)、加烈葡萄酒(Fortified wine)和加味葡萄酒(Aromatized wine)四類。其中一般葡萄酒的酒精含量約為百分之八到十五,然而加烈葡萄酒的酒精含量可能會更高。


Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols.

There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher.

Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world's best and most famous wine procing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can proce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 proction wine regions, wine proction over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.

㈢ 用最簡單的英文介紹法國紅酒,不超過50字

Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor.

㈣ 法國紅酒的介紹

波爾多產區 Bordeaux 最有歷史價值的產區,波爾多有五大產酒區:聖艾美濃、梅多克、波美侯、格拉夫和蘇玳,每個地區都有很多表現非常好的酒庄。位於聖艾美濃產區的嘉隆酒庄(Château Canon)憑借良好的表現被評為聖艾美濃一級特等酒庄。嘉隆酒庄在1996年被香奈兒收購。2011年嘉隆酒庄收購了名庄瑪塔酒庄的30英畝葡萄園而規模大增。收購的瑪塔酒庄集中於嘉隆酒庄旗下二標酒嘉隆十字的釀造,而酒庄原有的54英畝葡萄園則用於釀造旗下一標葡萄酒。位於梅多克(Haut-Medoc )波雅克(Pauillac)葡萄酒產區的拉菲古堡(Chateau Lafite Rothschild),氣候土壤條件得天獨厚。現今酒庄178公頃的土地中,葡萄園佔107公頃,在列級酒庄中是最大的。這些頂級的葡萄園日照特別充足,而底土為第三紀白堊土,混有風化形成的砂礫質土壤,具有優越的排水性能。位於波美侯(Pomerol)產區的柏圖斯酒庄( Petrus),是產區最知名的酒庄。柏圖斯酒庄擁有近12公頃土地,這在區內大多是袖珍型小酒庄的波美侯已算得上是傑出的代表。位於波爾多左岸的佩薩克-雷奧良的侯伯王莊園同時它也是唯一一個以紅、白葡萄酒雙棲波多爾頂級酒單的酒庄,是波爾多酒業巨頭克蘭斯帝龍酒業(Domaine Clarence Dillon)集團旗下的酒庄之一。位於格拉夫產區蘇玳名庄之一的滴金酒庄,位於產區南部,酒庄地勢較高,從數公里遠的地方就可以看到。來這里參觀的遊客可以站在高處,俯瞰周圍美麗的葡萄園。該酒庄在1855年蘇玳和巴薩克官方評級(1855 Classification of Sauternes and Barsac)中被評為超一級酒庄(Premier Cru Supérieur),也是唯一獲此殊榮的酒庄,由此可見滴金的地位及其葡萄酒的品質之高。"

㈤ 法國葡萄酒文化(英文版)

Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols.

There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher.

Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world's best and most famous wine procing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can proce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 proction wine regions, wine proction over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.

㈥ 法國以它的葡萄酒而聞名英語

4. famous for

㈦ 法國各大知名紅酒的英文簡寫比如拉菲的英文簡寫


㈧ 英語翻譯法國紅酒

French wine

㈨ 世界頂級葡萄酒英文名

1.Châteauu Mouton Rothchild 1945 (武當王)

2.Château d'Yquem 1921 (伊甘)

3.Château Latour 1961 (拉圖)
1961號稱是20世紀最好的波爾多紅酒年份之一,在當年份五大酒庄中唯一從Robert Parker手上獲得100分評價的傳奇好酒。托一位慷慨的朋友之福,我在2003年1月5日喝到這款酒。喝得出來它的酒質仍然很年輕,不過在杯中等了兩、三小時,嗅覺或味覺上的香味都未開,並沒有想像中好喝,也許是因為當天太冷了(當天寒流來襲,室外溫度9度,室內大約14、15度),以致於香氣發散不出來。後來和某位也喝過這款酒的先進討論時,他也認為61 Latour還非常年輕,可能要再等。我體會到想品嘗好酒的味道,天時地利人和缺一不可,希望有機會的話能再品嘗一次。

4.Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, Richebourg 1959 (羅曼麗康帝-李其堡)

5.Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, La Tâche 1978 (羅曼麗康帝-拉塔希)

6.Huet SA, Le Haut Lieu, Moelleux, Vouvray 1947 (武弗雷)
前一陣子有人辦了一場精彩的老酒品酒會,在還沒舉辦前酒單就引進熱烈的討論,其中就有這款酒的1949年份。現在看到這一款酒又被列在Top 100的前10名,再一次提醒了我酒海的浩瀚。

7.Penfolds, Bin 60A 1962 (奔富60A)
Penfolds 的酒會入選我並不訝異,訝異的是入選的並不是Bin 95 Grange。
Penfolds這款特殊的酒以Cabernet Sauvignon和Shiraz混合釀制;後來只有再生產了1980年份的80A,以及1990年份的90A。

8.Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 1982 (碧尚拉龍)

9.Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, Montrachet 1978 (羅曼麗康帝-夢雪珍)

10.Jean-Louis Chave, Cuvée Cathelin, Hermitage 1990 愛美迪)

法 國

Château Ausone 1952 (歐頌庄)
Château Cheval Blanc 1947 (白馬庄)
Château Climens 1949 (-寶物隆產區)
Château Haut-Brion 1959 (紅顏容)
Château Haut-Brion Blanc 1996 (紅顏容白)
Château Lafite 1959 (拉菲)
Château Latour 1949 (拉圖)
Château Léoville-Barton 1986 (巴頓庄)
Château Lynch-Bages 1961 (林卓貝斯)
Château La Misson Haut-Brion 1982 (修道院紅顏容)
Château Margaux 1990 (瑪歌)
Château Pétrus 1998 (柏圖斯)
Clos l'Eglise, Pomerol 1998 (-寶物隆產區)

Comte Georges de Vogüé, Musigny Vieilles Vignes 1993
Comte Lafon, Les Genevriéres, Meursault 1981
Dennis Bachelet, Charmes-Chambertin 1988
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, La Tâche 1990 (羅曼麗.康帝-拉塔希)
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, La Tâche 1966 (羅曼麗.康帝-拉塔希)
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, Romanée-Conti 1966 (羅曼麗.康帝)
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, Romanée-Conti 1921 (羅曼麗.康帝)
Domaine Joseph Drouhin, Musigny 1978
Domaine Leflaive, Le Montrachet Grand Cru 1996 (-夢雪珍)
Domaine Ramonet, Montrachet 1993 (-夢雪珍)
G Roumier, Bonnes Mares 1996 (-寶馬)
La Moutonne, Chablis Grand Cru 1990 (-特級雪比利)
由Domaine Long-Depaquit獨家擁有的Chablis特級葡萄園,具有獨一無二的的特殊地位。
Lafon, Le Montrachet 1966 (-夢雪珍)
Rene & Vincent Dauvissat, Les Clos, Chablis Grand Cru 1990
Robert Arnoux, Clos de Vougeot 1929

Josmeyer, Hengst, Riesling, Vendange Tardive 1995 (遲摘型)
Trimbach, Clos Ste.-Hune, Riesling 1975
Zind-Humbrecht, Clos Jebsal, Tokay Pinot Gris 1997

Billecart-Salmon, Cuvée Nicolas-François 1959

在我以前翻譯的《香檳天堂》一文中有介紹到這款酒,Serena Sutcliffe MW破例給這款酒101分。
Bollinger, Vieilles Vignes Francaises 1996
Charles Heidsieck, Mis en Cave 1997
Dom Pérignon 1988 (當比利濃)
Dom Pérignon 1990 (in Magnum) (當比利濃)
不過香檳專家Tom Stevenson認為Magnum瓶裝的更有純凈的成熟果味。
Krug 1990 (格魯克)
Louis Roederer, Cristal 1979 (路易王妃水晶)
Philipponat, Clos des Goisses 1982 (菲麗寶娜)
Pol Roger 1995

Domaine des Baumard, Clos Papillon, Savennières 1996

Andre Perret, Coteau de Chery, Condrieu 2001
Auguste Clape, Cornas 1995
Chapoutier, La Sizeranne 1989
Château La Nerthe, Cuvée des Cadettes 1998
Château Rayas 1989 (稀雅絲)
Domaine Jean-Louis Chave, Hermitage Blanc 1978
Guigal, La Landonne 1983
Château Beaucastel 1983
Guigal, La Mouline, Côte Rôtie 1999
Jaboulet, La Chapelle, Hermitage 1983

Château Montus, Prestige, Madiran 1985
Domaine Bunan, Moulin des Coste, Charriage, Bandol 1998

Ca'Del Bosco, Cuvée Annamaria Clementi, Franciacorta 1990
Cantina Terlano, Terlano Classico, Alto Adige 1979
Ciacci Piccolomini, Riserva, Brunello di Montalcino 1990
Dal Forno Romano, Amarone della Valpolicella 1997
Fattoria il Paradiso, Brunello di Montalcino 1990
Gaja, Sori Tildin, Barbaresco 1982
要挑義大利的好酒,理當少不了Gaja。兩年前在朋友家喝到1982 Gaja Barabresco Sori San Lorenzo,非常驚艷,至今念念不忘。我想Sori San Lorenzo應該不會比Sori Tildin遜色。
Tenuta di Ornellaia 1995
Tenuta San Guido, Sassicaia 1985

德 國
Donnhoff, Hermannshöle, Riesling Spätlese, Niederhäuser 2001
Egon Müller, Scharzhofberger Trockenbeerenauslese 1976
Fritz Haag, Juffer-Sonnenuhr Brauneberger, Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese 1976
JJ Prüm, Trockenbeerenauslese, Wehlener Sonnenuhr 1976
Maximin Grunhaus, Abtsberg Auslese, Ruwer 1983

Henschke, Hill of Grace 1998
Lindemans, Bin 1590, Hunter Valley, 1959
Seppelts, Riesling, Eden Valley, 1982

Martha's Vineyard, Cabernet Sauvignon 1974
Monte Bello, Ridge 1991
Stag's Leap Wine Cellars, Cask 23, Cabernet Sauvignon 1985

Vega Sicilia, Unico 1964 (維加西西利亞-獨一珍藏)
Dominio de Pengus, Pingus 2000 (彭高斯)

Crown Estates, Tokaji Aszu Essencia 1973 (托卡伊-阿蘇)
Royal Tokaji, Szt Tamas, 6 Puttonyos 1993

Emmerich Knoll, Gruner Veltliner, Smaragd, Wachau 1995

Ata Rangi, Pinot Noir 1996

Cossart Gordon, Bual 1914
Emilio Lustau, Manuel Cuevas Jurado, Manzanilla Amontillada
Fonseca, Vintage Port 1927
Graham's 1945
Henriques & Henriques, Malmsey 1795
對,各位沒看錯,年份是1795年。這是一款Madeira;我品嘗過一款1817 年的Malaga,
HM Borges, Terrantez, Madeira 1862
Quinta do Noval, Nacional 1931
Taylor's 1948



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