導航:首頁 > 紅酒百科 > amourvino2012紅酒價格


發布時間:2021-03-07 03:40:31

1. 法語amour vino是什麼意思

Amour vino是一個紅酒品牌,但不是法國牌子。它網站英文品牌介紹:
There's a story behind every bottle of wine. And our simple story is about the grapes and its terrior! At Amourvino our love of wine is manifested in our desire to share great quality wine. We are driven to create a wine that is as affordable and as it is drinkable on a daily basis. Guided by our love of quality we determined the best approach to making the best expression of wine quality is to let Mother Nature do her work, and let the grape reveal their highest possibilities. Therefore every bottle of Amourvino wine is good to the last drop. To ensure your lasting love for our Amourvinowines, we work closely with our grape growers, our suppliers, and our winemakers to bring you the best tasting wine in every bottle. So if you love wine, have a bottle of Amourvino wine and spread the love!

2. amourvino多少元一瓶




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