❶ 紅酒中英文de la pointe是什麼意思
您好,法國杜葡庄園干紅葡萄酒整箱裝Les Sentiers de la Pointe
❷ 用英語介紹一下法國葡萄酒.謝!!!
葡萄酒有許多分類方式。以成品顏色來說,可分為紅葡萄酒、白葡萄酒及粉紅葡萄酒三類。其中紅葡萄酒又可細分為干紅葡萄酒、半干紅葡萄酒、半甜紅葡萄酒和甜紅葡萄酒。白葡萄酒則細分為干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。以釀造方式來說,可以分為蒸餾葡萄酒(Still wine)、氣泡葡萄酒(Sparkling wine)、加烈葡萄酒(Fortified wine)和加味葡萄酒(Aromatized wine)四類。其中一般葡萄酒的酒精含量約為百分之八到十五,然而加烈葡萄酒的酒精含量可能會更高。
Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols.
There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher.
Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world's best and most famous wine procing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can proce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 proction wine regions, wine proction over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.
❸ 用最簡單的英文介紹法國紅酒,不超過50字
Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor.
❹ 法國葡萄酒文化(英文版)
Wine, grapes, fruit or juice after fermentation to brew alcoholic beverages from the. In the fruit, because of high glucose content of grapes, storage will be issued alcohol for a period of time, often in winemaking. Wine proction is currently the world's largest and most widely popular monosaccharide brewing liquor. As early as 6,000 Years ago, in the Mediterranean region rich grape, the Sumerian Mesopotamia and the Nile Basin will be the ancient Egyptians brewed wine. Interestingly, the dance culture, there is a wine dance in the wine grape harvest, celebration dance groups. Wine in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as Christian symbols.
There are many wine classification. To finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. Red wine which can be broken down into dry red wine, semi-dry red wine, semi-sweet red wine and sweet red wine. White wine is broken down into dry white wine, white wine semi-, semi-sweet white wine and sweet white wine. Approach to brewing, distillation wine can be divided into (Still wine), the bubble wine (Sparkling wine), Jialie wine (Fortified wine) and the Modified wine (Aromatized wine) four. Of general wine alcohol content of about 8-15%, but Jialie of alcohol in wine may be higher.
Wine and liquor completely soil, climate and wine skills, among other factors, but the flavor is completely wine brewing techniques depends on factors such as the impact, but the wine is completely dependent on the flavor of wine grape varieties different. Wine raw materials - grapes originating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, between the Caucasus region, until the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions-Zhang Qian conveyed to China before. At present grape has been widely introced to the rest of the world, mainly as a wine raw materials. But the world's best and most famous wine procing mostly to France, French wine brewing history Duishuo to the Roman period. As France mild climate, in addition to some of the northern Normandy region, the country can proce high quality grapes. In 1996, more than 818,000 hectares of the total of vineyards, 13 proction wine regions, wine proction over 4.6 billion litres. France can be said to be one of the countries with rich wine.
❺ 我喜歡喝葡萄酒翻譯成英語怎麼說
❻ 法國因紅酒而聞名 英語怎麼說
France is known for red wine.
France is famous for red wine.
❼ 英語翻譯法國紅酒
French wine
❽ 有關於紅酒方面的英文術語和例句
原產地管理證明(Appellation Controlee):是法國的一種制度,其規定了某地域內釀酒的規則。是一種世界通用的行業標准。
波爾多(Bordeaux):法國一地區,最知名的是主要採用赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和梅鹿輒(Merlot)葡萄品種釀制上等的紅葡萄酒。
葡萄孢菌(Botrytis Cinerea):所謂的「高貴的腐爛」菌,其作用是在所塔爾那(Sauternes)和其它地區釀制出某些優質的佐甜點酒,其方法是讓葡萄變干癟和濃縮果汁。
勃艮第(Burgundy):法國一地區,最知名的是用黑比諾葡萄(Pinot Noir)釀制的紅酒以及用霞多麗葡萄(Chardonnay)釀制的白酒。
赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon):用以釀制紅酒的葡萄品種。著名的波爾多地區(Bordeaux)產的葡萄酒和加州的許多頂級葡萄酒就是用此品種釀制而成。
香檳(Champagne):法國一地區,出產世界上最好的起泡酒,採用的是黑比諾(Pinot Noir)、皮諾穆尼耶(Pinot
白詩南(Chenin Blanc):是用以釀制干葡萄酒和甜葡萄酒的優質葡萄品種。在美國有時指「廉價的白葡萄酒」,但有時也指精良的單品種葡萄酒。
1855年評級(Classification of 1855):對波爾多地區的葡萄酒按「等級」(growth)進行的著名的排名,至今仍具重要意義。「等級」的評定是基於質量、價格和營銷這些要素。
發燒友葡萄酒(Cult Wines):是上世紀90年代葡萄酒炒作泡沫的象徵。指罕見的、極高品質和及其昂貴的酒,一般為加州紅酒。與其說這些是酒買來喝的,倒不如說它們常常是為了進行倒賣炒作的。
唐•培里儂(Dom Perignon):早期香檳釀制史上曾作出重要貢獻的一位修道士,但他並沒有真正「發明」香檳。也指一種精良昂貴的香檳酒。
第一級別(First Growth):包括五種: Chateaux Lafite Rothschild,、Latour,、Margaux,、Haut-Brion 和 Mouton
風土氣息(Gout de Terroir):所謂「泥土味道」,該理念認為,葡萄應該傳遞給人們葡萄的生長地區的自然氣息。
梅鹿輒(Merlot):一種混合了多種產自波爾多地區(Bordeaux)的葡萄酒的混合酒。於1972年首次作為美國酒的一種由Louis Martini酒庄進行瓶裝,是美國頂級紅酒中的一種。
小羅伯特•帕克(Parker, Robert M. Jr.):《葡萄酒倡導》雜志的出版商,是世界上最有影響力的葡萄酒評論家。他首創的100分制被廣泛採用。
1976年的巴黎品酒會(Paris Tasting of 1976):在那次競逐激烈的盲品會上,法國的品酒師們更喜歡美國產葡萄酒,那成了美國葡萄酒聲譽鵲起的一個轉折點。
黑比諾(Pinot Noir):產自勃艮第(Burgundy)地區的優質紅葡萄。專家們過去曾不公正地認為美國地區不適於生長優質的比諾葡萄(Pinot)。如今這種葡萄是俄勒岡州(Oregon)的特產。
里德爾(Riedel): 一家生產玻璃高腳杯的公司,其理念是任何一款葡萄酒都有一種完美的酒杯與之匹配,該公司將此理念普及至深入人心。與needle發音同韻。
長相思(Sauvignon Blanc):生長於世界各地的能釀制出帶草香味的干葡萄酒的白葡萄品種。也用於釀制佐甜點酒。與Fume
Sauternes:產自波爾多(Bordeaux)地區的優質佐甜點葡萄酒。最有名也是口味最佳的是Chateau d'Yquem。
Vinifera(或稱Vitis Vinifera):指某些葡萄樹種,它們能生長出能釀制出經典歐洲葡萄酒的葡萄,如赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon),當今釀制的大部分葡萄酒就是採用這些樹種結的果實。
不銹鋼(Stainless Steel):若一種葡萄酒被標明為「全不銹鋼」酒,那麼就說明該酒是在溫控鋼罐里發酵的,這樣做是為了釀制出新鮮、有水果味並且香氣撲鼻的葡萄酒。
Sur Lie:讓白葡萄酒在其非活性酵母中呆一段時間,經常會給酒帶來更精緻的質感以及口感。
- 包括土壤、氣候條件等。
❾ 法國各大知名紅酒的英文簡寫比如拉菲的英文簡寫
第一級 拉菲酒庄Chateau Lafite Rothschild
第一級 瑪歌酒庄Chateau Margaux
第一級 拉圖酒庄Chateau Latour
第一級 奧比內昂酒容庄(紅顏容) Chateau Haut-Brion
第一級 木桐酒庄(又譯武當王) Chateau Mouton Rothschild